Member-only story
Whenever there’s a story that’s 4 minutes long or more, I get anxious thinking about reading it, even when it’s eye-catching! I feel an obligation to painfully read stories when they’re no longer interesting — Sometimes, they’re unbearable and I need a palate cleanser (a light-hearted story to read).
I will be thrilled to read a longer story from a writer that I’ve already read from and connected with.
As I evolve as a writer on this platform, my writing and reading habits will change.
The reading experience on Medium should be an enjoyable experience — and most of the time it is while other times it is not. It’s partly due with me, wearing my writer’s hat while reading:
What would your writer’s hat look like, if you had one?
Do you have a writer’s hat that helps you write better?
If you made it this far in the story and you’re both a writer and reader on Medium:
I hope that this story amused you and helped you in some way. I believe our writing habits influence how we read on Medium.
Don’t get discouraged if you enjoy writing longer stories. There’s an audience for everyone. However, I advocate for being experimental with our writing — It helps with evolving as a writer!
Here’s my referral link to get full access to Medium stories:
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If you want to support my writing, ‘follow’ my stories and consider ‘tipping.’
Thanks in advance. 🌟